Poster Session 1 – Tuesday Oct 1, 2024

Poster Number Presenter Title
1 Marlusa Amarante Characterization of swallow-related sympathetic nerve activity
2 Emmanuel Araujo Oxytocinergic signaling contributes to breathing regulation in the retrotrapezoid nucleus
3 Joe Arthurs Parabrachial Tac1 neurons are conditionally activated during non-homeostatic breathing patterns
4 Tanya Bentley Breathing Practices for Stress Reduction: Conceptual Framework of Implementation Guidelines Based on a Systematic Review of the Published Literature
5 Evgeny Bondarenko The roles of glutamatergic and glycinergic preBötzinger Complex neurons in inspiratory rhythm generation in vivo
6 Eduardo Bravo Amygdala stimulation during loss of wakefulness drive of breathing increases the risk of fatal apnea.
7 Rachel Clements Mechanism and Function of PACAP Expression in the Neonatal Retrotrapezoid Nucleus
8 Greg Conradi Smith Connectivity and synaptic weight distribution effect the spiking network dynamics of a minimal model of the brainstem preBötzinger Complex
9 Bowen Dempsey A PHOX2B+ Pontine Nucleus Essential for Ingestion
10 Rishi Dhingra Asymmetric neuromodulation in the respiratory network contributes to rhythm generation
11 Mathias Dutschmann Significance and state-dependent modulation of mammalian glossopharyngeal nerve motor system.
12 Romain Guinamard Pharmacological targeting of TRPM4 to modulate spontaneous rhythmic activities. Presentation of three models: breathing activity, cardiac rhythm and uterine contractions.
13 Eriko Hamada Persistent Glossopharyngeal Nerve Respiratory Discharge Patterns after Ponto-Medullary Transection
14 John Hayes Kynurenic acid injected into the nucleus tractus solitarius stunts swallow production
15 Jose Luis Herrero Rubio Intracranial Responses to Respiratory Challenges in Sensorimotor and Insular Cortices are modulated by the Strenght and the Perception of the Challenge.
16 Makito Iizuka Hiccup center is localized in the subpostremal region of the nucleus tractus solitarius
17 Zainab Khalid Compensatory cellular plasticity in cervical excitatory following spinal cord injury
18 Gjinovefa Kola Effects of xylazine on opioid-induced respiratory depression.
19 Peter MacFarlane Critical windows of brainstem neural development characterized by a lethal vulnerability to endotoxin
20 Simon McMullan Inhibitory control of motor and respiratory components of orienting by the substantia nigra pars reticulata is state- dependent
21 Jill Miller Body by Breath: The Science and Practice of Physical and Emotional Resilience
22 Maria Nikodemova Persistent suppression of phrenic long-term facilitation following acute inflammation requires microglial TGFbeta signaling to phrenic motor neurons
23 Ryan Pauly Serotonin Neuron Influence on Pontine Breathing Circuitry Impaired by Opioids
24 Mateus Ramos Amorim Melanocortin receptor 4 agonist, setmelanotide, treats opioid-induced respiratory depression
25 Jens C. Rekling Genetically-encoded sensors and actuators in the study of preBötzinger neurons in organotypic slice cultures.
26 Ariane Rhone Radiofrequency ablation of a focal amygdala site affects apnea susceptibility: Implications for Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP)
27 Jordan Skach Inhibitory subpopulations in preBötzinger Complex play distinct roles in modulating inspiratory rhythm and pattern
28 Andrew Tryba Neuromodulation of the preBötzinger Complex produces a unique network state driving activity
29 Alysha Michaelson Repetitive acute intermittent hypoxia consisting of 10-min hypoxic episodes during the mid-active phase increases tidal volume in intact rats
30 Vivian Biancardi The hyperpolarization-activated inward current, Ih, in the preBötzinger Complex contributes to the hypoxic ventilatory response in anaesthetized adult rats
31 Luke Ehlert The Influence of Music on Respiratory Rhythm: Anatomical and Functional Insights into Musical Entrainment
32 Marie-Nöelle Fiamma Preclinical model of obstructive sleep apnea and TRPV1 R antagonist as drug candidate
33 Tara Janes Hypothalamic progestin infusion enhances the hypercapnic ventilatory response in female rats
34 Neeharika Reddy Mattayavalahally Nagesh Exploring the Impact of Perinatal Exposure to the cannabinoid THC on Sleep and Respiratory Development Across Early Life Stages
35 Caroline Szujewski Locus Coeruleus mediated tolerance to opioid-induced respiratory depression in repeat opioid use
36 Jean-Charles Viemari Role of Nav 1.1 and Nav 1.6 Sodium Channels in Mediating Inspiratory Rhythm Generation and Gasping: Implications for Respiratory Dysfunction in Epilepsy
37 Ryan S. Phillips A biophysical model of burstlets and bursts in the respiratory preBötzinger complex
38 Subhkinder Kumar Investigating the thalamus in breathing control using electrical stimulation and intracranial recordings in humans